Tokyo Gendai concludes its second edition with robust sales and strong international attendance

TOKYO (8 July 2024) The second edition of Tokyo Gendai, organised by The Art Assembly and with SMBC Group as Principal Partner, featured a world-class showcase of international contemporary art presented by 69 galleries from around the world. The fair concluded with robust sales, and a strong international attendance of visitors from 40 different countries and territories.

Galleries saw strong sales across the fair sectors and at a variety of price points, from a few thousand US dollars up to USD 750,000, underscoring Tokyo Gendai’s mission to expand the market for contemporary art in Japan at every price-point, to promote Japanese art to an international audience, and to bring topflight international artists and galleries to Japan.

Reiri Kojima, General Manager, Tokyo Gendai, says: “It was incredible to feel the energy and enthusiasm from both returning and new visitors alike. While the art market in Japan is still growing, we were very encouraged to hear that visitors were delighted by the galleries’ presentations, as well as the public and VIP programmes that connected Japan’s many cultural institutions to the global art world. We are very grateful to the Japan Tourism Agency for providing us financial support, which was invaluable in arranging our VIP programmes. We would also like to thank the Agency for Cultural Affairs for additional financial support, as well as the City of Yokohama for support in acquiring bonded status and promotional activities around the city. With our new dates confirmed, we will continue to work together with the government to welcome more galleries, collectors and the international art community, and to play our part in furthering Japan’s growth as an international hub and destination for art and culture.”

Magnus Renfrew, Co-Founder, Tokyo Gendai, says: “The second edition of Tokyo Gendai built on the solid foundations laid last year. We were thrilled by the response to the fair by both the Japanese art community and international collectors. Consensus is emerging that Japan has the potential to play a much bigger role in the global art market and we are honoured to be playing an important role in both putting the spotlight on the incredible art scene in Tokyo and connecting Japan to the global art world. We are excited to have secured new Autumn dates that will allow the potential for greater participation from galleries, collectors and international visitors.”

In response to feedback from galleries that the timing of the fair in July was challenging for European and American galleries and collectors, and that in terms of climate it is the hottest time of the year in Japan, The Art Assembly is delighted to announce new Autumn dates for the upcoming edition of Tokyo Gendai. The new dates will not only mean a more comfortable climate but also represent the launch of the Autumn season, which has been traditionally associated in Japanese culture as a time of year to focus on cultural pursuits. The next edition of Tokyo Gendai will take place from 12-14 September 2025, with a VIP Preview and Vernissage on 11 September 2025.